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Our requirements for acceptable poems.
Poems must be your original work and not copied from other poets. If short poems are submitted, two or more may be added to the same page. Submit poems in html. format to insure it is published correctly. We do allow text links directed back to your website if you so desire. If you would like your name to appear on the page as author or written by please include your name in the proper block. Our graphic artists will try to add a graphic that will enhance the page as well as your poem. If you have a graphic that you want added to the poem include it in HTML format.
All poems must be suitable for any age person to read. Paper Folding Art will not link to or allow to be published on our site any poem that promotes nudity, racial bias, bigotry, or downgrading any individual for gender, race, or religious beliefs. Poems we deem to be unacceptable or below our standards as set by our editors will not be published.