Ninja Star Instructions

1. Cut Square in half to make two pieces of paper.

2. Fold both lengthwise.

3. Hold folded side to the right. Fold top right hand corner over. Fold bottom right hand corner over.

4. Hold folded side to the left. Fold top left hand corner over. Fold bottom right hand corner over.

5. Fold each paper in half so that both points are at the top.

6. Open out and hold bottom point. Fold up and to the left so that right edge runs along fold.

7. Hold top point and fold to the right so that side edge runs along fold.

8. Do the same with the other paper.

9. Then face the two smooth sections together, one vertical and one horizontal.

10. Fold each point back over and into "pocket".

11. Turn over and do the same with the other two points.

12. Ninja Star Ready.